
Showing posts from July, 2021

Have You Tried These Hair Hacks for Men Already?

Limp hair, hair strands all over the place – these sound like you’re having a bad hair day. It can happen. Sometimes, our hair just has a life of its own. But with some hair hacks, we actually have a shot at taming our hair and making styling a breeze. Here are some of the things that you can do: 1. Switch to matte hair products. Rather than use greasy hair products, use matte hair products instead. Oil-based hair products have a tendency to make hair feel greasy and limp. This can make your hair lose volume. Check if what you are buying has a matte effect. 2. Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel when drying it. Many people make the mistake of rubbing a towel on their hair to dry it up. But this strips away the essential moisture from your hair, which can leave your hair dry and unmanageable. Rather than that, pat it dry. Wring out excess moisture and then use your fingers to dry it naturally. 3. Know how to properly use shampoo. Before you wet your hair, apply shamp...